Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday 10/29/07
R and J Leave for Longview at 8:30
R escorts J to:
Longview Title 11 am
Walmart for Flowers
Visit Sunset Memorial
Drive By 212WT
Drive By Flores Ranch
Drive By Lafayette Rd
Visit Rose Hill
Visit Camp County Memorial
Arrive 14 at 7 pm
J B R Dinnier by B
J Dancing with Stars
B R Monday Night football
Monday, October 29, 2007
Week Summary 10/22/07
Sunday 10/28/07 07:09 AM
Sunday 10/28/07 07:09 AM Coffee
R and B Grocery
Saturday 10/27/07
Saturday 10/27/07 08:16 AM Coffee
M Cancels M J B trip to look at elliptical trainers at Sears and
R and B to library to return B's books then to ElChicos for chips and hot sauce
R grills out lime broil chicken for dinner
Friday 10/26/07
Friday 10/26/07 07:25 AM Coffee
R work with Alex today
R and Alex bring Plants into Garage for Winter
B To 6:30 Tora at 13
Thursday 10/25/07
Thursday 10/25/07 07:50 AM Coffee
10:00 R meets Mizell Tree Trimming at 14
J B and R Dinner at On the Border
6:45 pm LP comes to 14 discussing investing with R
Wednesday 10/24/07
Wednesday 10/24/07 07:13 AM Coffee
55 F Degrees
J getting ready to go to M School Class to help 9-11
J triggered the theft alarm on the Lincoln and called R
Lincoln was honking and would not start. J thought it may be the battery down.
R went to Linen and Things and entered door code to turn alarm off and started Lincoln
J continued shopping
R to Home Depot for batteries and potting soil
L and L and JM at 14 for Dinner JM brought bass R B J L and L JM played guitars and sang old songs - a fun time for all.
Tuesday 10/23/07
49 F degrees at 07:01 AM this morning at 14
J 1:30 to Dr Lopez, who recommended XRay on ankle because it's turning out. Lopez says maybe foot Dr could reverse problem with insert in shoe.
J to Xray after Dr Lopez, then shopping
Monday 10/22/07
- Rain and 53 degrees as Cold front comes through at 07:41 AM
- J watches Dancing with the Stars
- R and B Monday Night Football
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday 10/27/07
M Cancels M J B trip to look at elliptical trainers at Sears and
A Visitor at the Alamo area:
B named him Erragog Spider and we left him alone.
R and B to library to return B's books then to ElChicos for chips and hot sauce
R grills out lime broil chicken for dinner
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday 10/26/07
B Office
R work with Alex today
R and Alex bring Plants into Garage for Winter
B To 6:30 Tora at 13
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thursday 10/25/07
R Market Office
B Office
10:00 R meets Mizell Tree Trimming at 14
J B and R Dinner at On the Border
6:45 pm LP comes to 14 discussing investing with R
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday 10/24/07
55 F Degrees
J getting ready to go to M School Class to help 9-11 then shopping
for electric blanket
J triggered the theft alarm on the Lincoln and called R
Lincoln was honking and would not start. J thought it may be the battery down.
R went to Linen and Things and entered door code to turn alarm off and started Lincoln
J continued shopping
R to Home Depot for batteries and potting soil
L and L and JM at 14 for Dinner JM brought bass R B J L and L JM played guitars and sang old songs - a fun time for all.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday 10/23/07
R Market Office
B RTR Office Sessions
J 1:30 to Dr Lopez, who recommended XRay on ankle because it's turning out. Lopez says maybe foot Dr could reverse problem with insert in shoe.
J to Xray after Dr Lopez, then shopping
R and B to Bank after 3
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday 10/22/07
- R Market Office - SII
- J Market Office
- B RTR Office
- R phones TF about Music for Commercial
- J R and B Dinner by B
- Photo: The way you should eat asparagus.
- J watches Dancing with the Stars
- R and B Monday Night Football
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday 10/21/07
R and B to Grocery and pickup Rx
J and B makes deviled eggs for ball games
J B and R watch Cowboy football (Cowboys win over Minn Vikings)
B reads Harry Potter Novels while watching football
R and B watch Pittsburgh at Denver Sunday Night Football
Week of 10/14/07 Summary
R B and J watched Cowboy Football Sunday Afternoon. Cowboys
disappointed by losing to New England.
B order Pizza for Dinner.
Monday 10/15/07
B RTR Office
R Market Office
J in for regular blood test at 1 pm. Good numbers... finally balanced. J Shops Tom Thumb and back at 14 at 4 pm
R B watch Monday Night Football, J Dancing with the Stars
Tuesday 10/16/07
B RTR Office
R escorts J to skin doctor for checkup Skin Dr appointment went ok. All places in question were ok except for one mole on hip that has been bothering Jo. Dr wanted to take biopsy but will wait for 2 weeks while J takes antibiotics
J admits Boots the Cat cat bite on back of left hand near thumb.
R B and J Dinner ... R cooks steaks on outside grill
Dancing with the Stars
Wednesday 10/17/07
J up early getting ready for regular Wednesday trip to help M with school class 9:30-11:00
B RTR Office
R Market Office
J to Bank for Signature Guarantee on Jodie Certificate.
J shops at Petco and returns with 2 brushes and catnip snack food for Boots The Cat
J cat bite seems not as swollen and red. Getting better.
Firewood to arrived around 4 pm
J watch Cramer with "Happy Hour glass of white wine
Thursday 10/18/07
Alex arrives to help on L's discard donate or take home
L and R work on L's discard, donate or take home
L arrives in her new car Honda Fit
Boots the Cat must be sick... soiled the carpet in J's painting studio and also threw up.
R and J watch Fast Money at 7 pm J with happy hour glass of white wine
Friday 10/19/07
R Market Office
B RTR Office
J Watches CNBC and Market all day as it falls 360 points
R Mows 14CR Front Back and Backlot
Saturday 10/20/07
B College Football and Reading. not feeling well
J and M go out for M errands, lunch at Olive Garden, look at elliptical trainers at Apollo Fitness
R works with Alex Yard and discard cracked chimena from Rock Patio area
R escorts J back to Apollo to look at elliptical trainer. J decides against. Uncomfortable
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thursday 10/18/07 Daily Events
L sent a text message last night around mid night that said she would be 9:45 or 10 arriving at 14. Has to go pick up her new car
L arrives in new Honda Fit (Red) around 10:30
R L and Alex to Storage to work through L's Stored stuff and discard, donate or take. Work until 12:00. Back to 14 and unload trash and books boxes for later pickup. Release Alex. Lunch with R, L, and B.
R spends hour with J showing some stuff on computer and on the trading platform.
R watch Cramer
Boots the Cat must be sick... soiled the carpet in J's painting studio and also threw up. J didn't notice it as she walked through and stepped in it and tracked it through the house. J and B clean up.
R B J 14 Dinner by B
R and J watch Fast Money at 7 pm J with happy hour glass of white wine
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday 10/17/07 Daily Events
R Market Office is open but watching only. No TradeMarket today - No
funds available to trade, funds from Monday's trade won't settle
until Wednesday or Thursday
J up early getting ready for regular Wednesday trip to help M with school class 9:30-11:00
B Office working NW Session etc
R Market Office Working NW Session
J to Bank for Signature Guarantee on Jodie Certificate.
Also J shops at Petco and returns with 2 brushes and catnip snack food for Boots The Cat. Boots rolls on the cat snack food for a minute then ignores it.
J cat bite seems not as swollen and red. Getting better.
Firewood to arrived around 4 pm R discussed tree trimming and stump removal David said about 5 hrs for him and helper $300
R watch Cramer
J watch Cramer with "Happy Hour glass of white wine"... J can't stand the loudness of the program but likes the information Cramer has. R suggest Fast Money at 7 pm
R B J 14 Dinner by B
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tuesday 10/16/07 Daily Events
R Market Office is open but watching only. No TradeMarket today - No funds available to trade, funds from Monday's trade won't settle until Wednesday or Thursday
R B for Breakfast J later
B RTR Office open and working 2 sessions today
R escorts J to skin doctor for checkup 1:00 appt Leave 14 at 12:30
scheduled October 16, 2007 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Skin Dr appointment went ok. All places in question were ok except for one mole on hip that has been bothering Jo. Dr wanted to take biopsy but will wait for 2 weeks while J takes antibiotics
J admits Boots the Cat cat bite on back of left hand near thumb. Happened Monday evening while she was brushing Boots but she hid it and said nothing about it. Wound is slightly swollen and red. Skin Dr looked at it and prescribed antibiotic.
Also, J takes antibiotics before dentist, biopsys or any doctor appointment that involves bleeding or breaking of skin. This is because of heart stint, pacemaker blood thinner meds and knee replacement. So J needs to take the antibiotic before the mole biopsy
R and B errands to Library for B's new books, then to bank then to Albertsons for perscriptions
R watches Cramer
R B and J Dinner ... R cooks steaks on outside grill
Dancing with the Stars
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday 10/15/07
J in for regular blood test at 1 pm. Good numbers... finally balanced. J Shops Tom Thumb and back at 14 at 4 pm
R Market Office open
R errand to mail then to Bank
R B J 14 Dinner by B
R B watch Monday Night Football, J Dancing with the Stars
Cowboys Disappoint Sunday Afternoon
disappointed by losing to New England. B order Pizza for Dinner.
Catching Up With the Past Week
Sunday after R and B finished grocery shopping the 14 Gang spent the
afternoon watching football
Monday R works in Market Office R picks up Boots burgers for lunch
then R B J 14 Dinner by B
Tuesday after R working in the Market Office, R watched the
Republican debates on CNBC
October 9, 2007 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM R B J 14 Dinner by B
Wednesday J starts helping M at her school class. Start of a
regular basis helping during morning. J goes shopping and arrives
back at 14 by 4pm R spends most of day in Market office. R B J to
SaltGrass for Dinner at 6 pm
Thursday J takes Boots the Cat to VET for hair mat removal. R a B
to Grocery Store for weekly shopping to take advantage of Thursday
coupons. R B J 14 Dinner by B
Friday R works with Alex on Yard work. R B J 14 Dinner by B
Saturday R starts fire in chimena R B J enjoy patio during morning.
B and J make Strawberry Jelly. J begins discussions on rework and
clean up of Alamo yard area B works on recipe for Three Days to
Stone Soup. R B J 14 Dinner by B