Monday, December 21, 2020

14CR Local News Sunday 12/20/20

 14CR Local News Sunday 12/20/20

Sunday 12/20/20 

Today is Day 26 of Beth Vertigo and Day 03 of BethVertigo2020 Rx Meds New Prescription from Dr. Maddox E.N.T. 

Today has been about the same as yesterday, 

Dizziness: 50 % -  same  

Stomach: 25 % -  nausea: Stomach upset but feeling like she needs something in her stomach, eats a bit every few hours. 

Fatigue: 60% - Very tired all the time and says needs sleep  (usual) 

Sinuses : 02 % -  seem mostly clear . 

Mostly very Dizziness and with that comes the Fatigue and a bit of stomach problem, and that's the situation again today  Fatigue - having to rest laying down most of the day continuing. Beth is usually downstairs for about 3 hrs in the afternoon although laying on the Living Room Sofa for a lot of that time. 

Beth was downstairs at 05:00 PM for "dinner" then Beth upstairs  06:55 PM  for the night.

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