Wednesday, January 6, 2021

14CR Local News Wednesday 01/06/21

14CR Local News Wednesday 01/06/21  

Today is Day 43 of Beth Vertigo BethVertigo2020

Yesterday, Beth saw Dr. Bellinger about her heartburn / GERD.   After a lab test, bacteria causing the problem was ruled out. Dr. Bellinger prescribed 90 days of Omeprazole and a Sleeping Pill that is supposed to help with sleeping through the night and thereby helping with fatigue. Beth still awoke at the same times through the night but was able to go back to sleep quickly instead of the norm of tossing and turning and staying awake.

Beth began taking a new Rx last night at bed time (it's supposed to help with sleeping through the night).  Beth still awoke at the same times through the night but was able to go back to sleep quickly instead of the norm of tossing and turning and staying awake.

Beth seems a little better today, but overall, Beth has better days and worse days and it looks like today is a better day. The better days take her a couple of healing steps forward but the worse days take her back a healing step.  So there is progress in healing but it's slow.

Beth  has gained back 1 lb. of the lost 6 lbs.  

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